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Computer Aided Personal Interview (CAPI)

Computer Aided Personal Interview (CAPI)

Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) is a face-to-face data collection method in which the interviewer uses a tablet, mobile phone or a computer to record answers given during the interview. At OrQuest, we use tablet (click here to know the specification) to conduct the CAPI surveys. It gives the following benefits.

  • CAPI facilitates logic checks, skip patterns, and validations during the interview. This makes the survey more efficient and helps assure higher quality data. It also saves later efforts on data cleaning.
  • CAPI is a good tool to monitor enumerators. It can automatically record each interview’s start time, end time and GPS location, making it easy for supervisors to check whether an enumerator indeed conducted a given interview or not by comparing its time and GPS data to that of other interviews during which a supervisor was present.
  • It produces the daily productivity by individuals. It helps the project management team to engage more resource or replace non-productive enumerators if required
  • In pen and paper interview (PAPI) the filled up questionnaire needs to be shared through courier services. It is time consuming and often the questionnaires may loss of reach to location late. During political unrest, it is often difficult to send the questionnaire to head office. In CAPI survey the interviews are stored automatically in the server and can be retired when required
  • Bangladesh is a monsoon country and the hard copy of questionnaire often can be damaged during rainy season. Survey through CAPI reduces the risk and help to protect data
  • Capture a wide variety of data types, such as audio audits, media files, device sensor data, QR codes, signatures, and GPS positions, boundaries, and paths.
  • Instantly visualize incoming data at individual or aggregate levels with the built-in Data Explorer. Integrate with hundreds of other tools using Zapier, OpenFN, and Google Sheets, or use API and webhooks for further visualization and analysis. If there is any issue with the data or questionnaire, it can be fine-tuned centrally
  • Client can see the real-time visualization of selected questions which help them to make urgent decision